Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shane Rielly

I've had the pleasure of meeting Shane from Video Surf Guide in recent times. Shane is currently living in London with his wife Lindsay. While getting to know Shane I realized that he is a very good hearted guy and willing to help other people where ever he can. You also realize that Shane misses the ocean a lot as he comes from East London,a coastal town on the East Coast of South Africa. I then decided, why not do an interview and let the man speak for himself? Shane happily agreed to answer some of my questions below... Howzit Shane tell us where you from bro? I'm from East London. Known as 'Slummies' to some, but I think it's an awesome place. How long have you been bodyboarding? About 17 or 18 years... Tell us a bit about your missions and travels? Well, up until quite recently I hadn't traveled all that much except for a bit around SA. My girl and I are in London now and we recently did a trip to Scotland where I got some mad waves. Are you looking to travel in the near future? We're planning a pretty big trip soon before we come home to SA. If finances and visas allow we'll be hitting the USA, Oz, Indo and the Philippines. Then, if there's any cash left we'd like to do the SA coast for a while... tell us about your favourite spot in SA? My mates and I know a bunch of great spots around EL and I have a few favourites. Probably my best though, is a spot called Sarcasms that doesn't work very often, but when it does it's stupid good!! It needs pretty big swell, a specific tide and the right swell direction so it's tough to get it when it's on... and your favourite spot internationally? Probably the same spot, but I surfed some sick spots in Scotland. Tell me about your worst wipeout...Where did it happen? At this spot called Gashers. It's flippin heavy slab with a full-on dry rock ledge about 5-10 metres in front of where the lip lands so there are proper consequences if you don't make the barrel or if you get sucked over the falls. I went out one day when it was probably the best I've ever seen it and I thought I'd pick off a small one to get into the surf. It's a serious wave so you need your mind right :) Anyway, I rode the small one and when I pulled of the back the lip caught my feet and sucked me over. My feet hit the reef and the lip launched me towards the dry ledge in front. My head got slammed into a sharp section with barnacles all over. I got 4 stitches in my ear and 3 in my neck and missed the sickest waves - that's what hurt the most I think :) I also got bumped my a shark when I was 16 - that was stupid scary, but I as unscathed so it doesn't really count as I wipeout I reckon. Tell us about your website Video Surf Guide? I started the site because my girl and I were planning to travel a lot and I thought it would be a good way for guys to check out a location before they spend their hard-earned cash on a trip. We'll see how it goes... Who is your role model? who inspired you during your career as a bodyboarder? In life - Jesus is my role model. People thought He was crazy, but He stuck to His guns. He's really inspirational to me. In bodyboarding I'd say my mates have always been the guys that pushed me the most and kept me in the water. There have been some seriously good riders from EL over the years, but none of us have ever really been into contests so ou's names never really get out there. I'm not sure if anyone would have heard of a guy called Jacob Reeves, but he was around a few years back and he was mental good! I dug him a lot... It's also sick to see SA ou's like Mark McCarthy and Spex doing well! They're both such nice guys too... What gear do you ride at the moment? I'm not sponsored at all. I have a Science Customs board from Al Taylor and a Cartel board. I've used Churchill's forever because I have caveman feet that are too wide for any other fins - still have some Makapuu's. I think I might try some Stealth or Limited Edition fins out when I get to Oz though. I have an O'neill wetsuit. I use Prestik in my ears.. :D How do you see bodyboarding progressing in SA? Honestly, it's pretty dead in EL and I don't know much about the rest of SA so in my mind it's a bit gloomy. I really can't understand why the sport is so stunted though. I flippin love it! Surely heaps of other people should too? hahaha... The ou's at sixty/40 are doing such a mental good job though and that gives me a lot of hope. Factory 7 also really support the sport so I reckon they deserve support in return. The SABA guys have always worked super hard too so that's really encouraging too. I think industry plays a big part though. If ou's would support brands who seriously support the sport we would see real growth, but surf brands get all the revenue from boogers buying clothing etc so when that gets sorted we'll see real growth I reckon. Any words of wisdom for the young and aspiring bodyboarder? Just keep loving it and doing it because you love it! Bodyboarding might not be as 'cool' as surfing, but at least the sport isn't flooded with posers You got some last words? I've just got to say that my wife is just too much! I don't know many guys who's chicks would cruise around the world with them and point a video camera at them while they surf - and never complain about it. She cooks like a champ too! :) Thanks for your time bro, You are an all round top guy and I am looking forward to welcoming you and your wife to my home in Cape Town. Visit Shane Rielly: Video Surf Guide ShaneRielly. com @farsighted on Twitter

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